E-mail: info@sunchoice.lk
The website of Sunchoice Import & Export Co., has been redesigned in order to give our customers and patrons quickest and easiest access to our products, adequate knowledge of our operations and also how to have a business relationship with our Company for mutual benefit.
Ours is a progressive and forward thinking Company dedicated to pursuit of global growth opportunities. With wide experience in the import and export field, we strive to attain success in ways that reflect the integrity of our organization to the outside world and people who have business dealings with us. We continue to seek new opportunities ably assisted by our dedicated staff who work as a team. We maintain high standards of professionalism in our dealings and accountability in all of our business transactions.
When you select an Import and Export Company to carry out business, it is crucial that you choose a Company that places equal importance to your needs too. Your choice must therefore be a Company you can trust and can grow with. We make sure everything we do honours that obligation, from our commitment to providing the highest quality products both internationally & locally, to the way we engage with our customers and communities to do business responsibly. From our humble beginnings as a small entity 100 years ago, in every place that we have been, and every place we have touched, we have tried to make it better.